Artist of the month : Bert Eelen (november 2022)

Artist of the month : Bert Eelen (november 2022)

Artwork : "Blue" (Ink on paper, finished with gouache and acryl)


Bert Eelen’s art is all about his love for drawing.

He mainly paints faces with Chinese ink. Afterwards he colors some parts with gouache. He uses different types of Chinese brushes that vary in length and thickness. The largest brush measures approximately one meter and contains the hair of 6 ponytails.

Bert Eelen : ‘In one movement I try to draw a face that stares straight at the viewer. This succeeds or fails and that makes it interesting and exciting for me to do. Central to my work are speed and accuracy.


Artwork : "You and your sister" (Ink on paper, finished with gouache)


Artwork : "Face" (Digital painting of a face)


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